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Wednesday 16 June 2010


When I rode the bus today something happened. One of the most annoying things about taking the bus is that you have to share it with everyone ells, which is fine normally because people tend to keep to them selves and mind there own business. But today it was different.
We stopped by the Zoo and a whole first grate boarded the bus with some teachers. It was a mess. Kids all over the place screaming and switching seats all the time because they weren't satisfied with whom they were sitting next to. So the teachers finally took action and placed the kids so the bus could go on. I was annoyed...
It had been almost peaceful and quiet until they came. Then suddenly one of the teachers looked up and gave me a broad smile for a moment before she had to give back the attention I had stolen from the kids.
I thought to myself...
If this woman can smile and pass on some joy to me after having taken care of those screaming kids for a whole day, then why was I complaining about sitting next to them for 10 minutes. It hit me that she had just changed my mood from being crappy to being joyful.
One smile!
From someone I didn't expect. It saved my day.

If that saved my day, I guess it isn't so hard to make a difference at all. Just smile to a stranger. Maybe it will effect them... maybe it won't, but be sure to know that it will effect your day to look at it with a smile on your face.

- G

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