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Wednesday 16 June 2010

Giving up

I give up way to easy most of the time. Often I don't even put up a fight to conquer the task I'm trying to do. I'm not that bright but not dum either. I never really had a hard time in school since I was genuinely good in everything, but whenever there was a task that I couldn't do or something the teacher said something that I found myself incapable of understanding, I would get so frustrated that I would cause myself to give up before I'd even really give it a try.
Now when I look back I can see how stupid it was. Giving up before I even tried. Sadly I feel like a haven't improved a bit all these years. Therefore I've decided that really want to make an effort to not give up whenever something is hard to do.

Give it a try I say otherwise you never know if you really suck ;)

- G

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