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Sunday 20 June 2010

How to get Friends

"To get friends you must be friendly"
Well, of course - you might think. That is obvious isn't it?
Well then, how are you being friendly? I ask...
! oh, you got an answer? well Please write it in the comment section below :)
For a start I recommend smiling. It may seem simple, but it really isn't. But first a warning:

Caution! Smiling may change you and the people around you in a positive way!

Do you smile when you walk down the street, when driving or when standing in line at a store? I almost never do, which is really sad, for whenever I meet a person in any of those situations that smiles at me I get warm, I begin to smile, I often feel my whole point of view changes into something way more bright, and I feel welcome. It's like an invitation to smile back, maybe even start a conversation. I feel encouraged to do those things when someone smiles at me. You know that feeling?...
So is this my answer? To just go around smiling all day? YES!
It may feel a little awkward at first, but this is something that needs training! The most important thing is not to fake it. If you fake it you end up hiding the real you behind a mask. So don't go do that! Instead find the source of your joy and happiness. Redirect your focus to the things that makes you happy. Your family, your belief, a friend, any person dear to you or the sweet guy you meet the other day. Maybe you are happy because the sun is shinning or just because you are so fortunate even to be able to read this blog right now.
Think about the things that truly makes you happy and there will never be a fake smile on your face.
Take some time now... Think of something that makes you happy :)
What makes me happy right now? It has been a wonderful day. I've been to a meeting where the message really gave me something to think about and it challenged me on a daily basis. Also I'm happy I got to write on my blog tonight. I'm glad I had something to say. I simply love writing it :)

"To get friends you must be friendly"
It may seem obvious, but it isn't. Practise smiling whenever wherever ;)

Second of I say a bit of encouragement hasn't hurt anybody. Pick up the slightest good thing about another person and compliment on it, but Never lie!!! ( Also if you cant find anything good to say then shut it)!!! Show that you are pleased with a person who has done something good. In simple words: pick up your courage and encourage people. I promise you it will return to you one way or another

"To get friends you must be friendly"
Its is possible for YOU to make a person who doesn't believe in themself believe! What a wonder! What a miracle!

- G

Wednesday 16 June 2010

"Everything is going to change"

"Everything is going to change, isn't it?" That was the very last line in the film I just saw. It made me think of high school.. I mean, next year I will finally be finished with school! On the contrary I will not get to see all my wonderful classmates every day, and to think that in the end I will have spend 3 whole years with them. Just trying to imagine what effect they've had on my life for good and evil. Pretty scary to think about how a person can change ones life forever, and how that doesn't happen once in a blue moon, No! It happens every day! every person you ever meet have got the potential to change your life! Is that scary or what?! :O :)
Of course the line was said because of the events that had happen throughout the film, but that doesn't change the fact that everyone has got the power to change almost whatever he/she wants. In fact you could say the line truthfully every night if you wanted due to the ever changing way of the world! :)
Keep in mind that you yourself also have the power to change a whole lot of things. It's really only a decision away.


Giving up

I give up way to easy most of the time. Often I don't even put up a fight to conquer the task I'm trying to do. I'm not that bright but not dum either. I never really had a hard time in school since I was genuinely good in everything, but whenever there was a task that I couldn't do or something the teacher said something that I found myself incapable of understanding, I would get so frustrated that I would cause myself to give up before I'd even really give it a try.
Now when I look back I can see how stupid it was. Giving up before I even tried. Sadly I feel like a haven't improved a bit all these years. Therefore I've decided that really want to make an effort to not give up whenever something is hard to do.

Give it a try I say otherwise you never know if you really suck ;)

- G


When I rode the bus today something happened. One of the most annoying things about taking the bus is that you have to share it with everyone ells, which is fine normally because people tend to keep to them selves and mind there own business. But today it was different.
We stopped by the Zoo and a whole first grate boarded the bus with some teachers. It was a mess. Kids all over the place screaming and switching seats all the time because they weren't satisfied with whom they were sitting next to. So the teachers finally took action and placed the kids so the bus could go on. I was annoyed...
It had been almost peaceful and quiet until they came. Then suddenly one of the teachers looked up and gave me a broad smile for a moment before she had to give back the attention I had stolen from the kids.
I thought to myself...
If this woman can smile and pass on some joy to me after having taken care of those screaming kids for a whole day, then why was I complaining about sitting next to them for 10 minutes. It hit me that she had just changed my mood from being crappy to being joyful.
One smile!
From someone I didn't expect. It saved my day.

If that saved my day, I guess it isn't so hard to make a difference at all. Just smile to a stranger. Maybe it will effect them... maybe it won't, but be sure to know that it will effect your day to look at it with a smile on your face.

- G