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Monday 22 November 2010


Psalme 16:8 I constantly trust in the LORD; because he is at my right hand, I will not be upended.

Psalms 28:7 The LORD strengthens and protects me; I trust in him with all my heart. I am rescued and my heart is full of joy; I will sing to him in gratitude.

Psalms 31:14 But I trust in you, O LORD! I declare, "You are my God!"

Psalms 37:5 Commit your future to the LORD! Trust in him, and he will act on your behalf.

Psalms 52:8 But I am like a flourishing olive tree in the house of God; I continually trust in God's loyal love.

Psalms 56:3 When I am afraid, I trust in you.

Psalms 56:11 in God I trust, I am not afraid. What can mere men do to me?

Psalms 91:2 I say this about the LORD, my shelter and my stronghold, my God in whom I trust -

Psalms 143:8 May I hear about your loyal love in the morning, for I trust in you. Show me the way I should go, because I long for you.

Isaiah 12:2 Look, God is my deliverer! I will trust in him and not fear. For the LORD gives me strength and protects me; he has become my deliverer."

Jeremiah 17:7 My blessing is on those people who trust in me, who put their confidence in me.

- G