This blog

Text and picture, humour and wit, make this reader comment a bit!

Saturday 21 August 2010

"You may not know me, but I know everything about you." Psalm 139:1

So scary to think that someone knows my deepest secrets. All that I am ashamed off, everything I ever regretted. He knows! And still... still he loved my enough to sacrifice his own son so that I could be free to choose to be with him. He doesn't expect me to run to him.. he doesn't demand that I love him because of all he has done for me. Patiently he waits. Everyday he is by my side, caring for me. Even though he knows... he knows how I am nothing but flaws... nothing at all without his love.

- G

Monday 16 August 2010

"My child"

I believe God to be both father and mother. To whom you may ask? To you! Whoever you are, Where ever you are, What ever situation you are in, What ever you have done or not done. You are his child. You are his beloved creation. Like a parent loves the child unconditionally so does God love you unconditionally. No matter what you do, you can not stop being his child any more than you can jump in the air and fly like a bird.
You are his child and he loves you for being you.