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Tuesday 6 July 2010

I Dare you

Recently I got to sit down with a good friend while at a concert. He expressed that if he had had something to drink he felt better. I asked him if it was necessary for him to drink. I asked him to tell me more about how it made him feel in contrary to when he was sober.
He told me that he felt more like himself, more confident, more secure, didn't feel like he was holding himself back. So, naturally He liked drinking a bit, not like getting real drunk always but still he liked to drink.
Oh, how I understand him! Oh, how I can imagine how it must feel to feel confident in stead of insecure. Still, the warning sign popped up and I got the feeling that it was really wrong. One thing is to be addicted to alcohol because it effects you biologically, but to get addicted psychologically, to get addicted because you don't feel like yourself without it. To me it seems worse than a "normal" alcohol addiction. Mostly because self-esteem is so enormously hard to build up but 10 times as easy to brake down.
So... I dare you to believe in yourself and be yourself.